Sunday, December 29, 2013

3 countries in 1 day

Today began at 3.30am after a great sleep. A taxi to the airport, a quick coffe and we were off to Linz in Austria. As we got into the high country of Austria there was snow on the ground! not fresh but snow all the same. An hour at Linz for some pastries and then we were on our next train to Passau. everything ran smoothly and we were picked up at the train station and delivered to our boat the Amaedus brilliant. Over 100 passengers on board and only 17 speak English and probably that many again are under 70 lol. That's ok we are here to relax and we have a lovely room and nice Austrian wine to drink. 
At our welcome drink this evening we had a beautiful sunset. We have tea at 7.30 at table 17. The odds of being able to speak their language is pretty slim.


  1. Wow that is so cool i like the great photos and i like the sun set.Hows your hoilday going?

  2. Hi there Kate Amelia`s mum Michelle here. We would like to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR. I love the name of the boat you were on, take care and HAVE FUN. Love THE THOMSON FAMILY.
