
There once was a young girl called Kate
who thought she was better than great.
Who friends became annoyed
and so her she did avoid
Then they chopped her up for bait.

Write a limerick and remember the spelling pattern.


  1. There once was a cat called Bobby,
    who went down to his owner's hotels lobby.
    Then he peed on the waiter's shoe,
    and divided all the ques into two,
    because causing havoc is his biggest hobby.

  2. There was once a girl called Izzy,
    who was very busy,
    she liked to lick,
    off a stick,
    and liked drinking lots of fizzy.

  3. There once was a guy called Cam,
    he wanted his name to be Sam,
    he liked to float,
    while everyone bloats,
    and he all ways said oh dam.

  4. There once was a lady naned sue,
    Who had nothing whatever to do,
    And who did it so badly,
    I thought she would gladly,
    Have stopped before she was through.

  5. There once was a girl called Grace
    Who loved to run and chase
    Butterflies and bees
    Whatever she pleased
    Especially those in a race.

  6. There once was a boy named Marty.
    Who found out he was rather arty.
    With a few friends around,
    Just turn up the sound.
    Then you'll have a really great party.

    1. Hey, what happened to our name.......RANDOM.

  7. There once was a girl called Grace
    Who loved to zap and zoom in space
    In her tree hut she did acquire
    Lots of number 10 fencing wire
    And built a rocket that blasts off with great pace.

  8. There once was a lady named Mum.
    Who had no time to sit on her bum.
    With lots of kids to run after,
    heaps of tears fun and laughter,
    It will be a happy song she will hum.

  9. There one was a young man called ben
    his mother was called Jen
    he loved hugs
    he had a collection of mugs
    he loved to eat pens.

    BY BEN

  10. There once was a girl called grace
    Who cold any running race
    She wold never skite
    And she wold also never fight
    Then she died from eating past.

  11. There once was a boy called barry,
    That want his name to be larry,
    One day he stoped,
    That his door was not un locked,
    Than he found out his name was garry.

  12. There once was a man called Jill
    Who wanted his name to be Bill
    His Mum found out he was a boy
    So she screamed with joy
    And all of a sudden he was ill.

  13. There once was a girl called Rebecca,
    who wanted to go to Mecca,
    She took a flight,
    and got a fright,
    and ended up in Creta.

  14. There was a boy who lived by the sea
    Who loved to go to the dunny
    His fluid was drained
    and he was named
    The boy who didn't pee.

  15. There was a girl named stacey
    who found out she was quite fast and racey
    so she went in a clash
    and had a big crash
    And showed everbody her knickers where lacey.

  16. There once a man named Jack
    Who always know how to pack
    He did it day and night
    He didn't get into a fright
    He never stop to pack.

  17. There once was boy called flynn
    and he took his mums car to take it
    for a spin and his mum accidently
    on his seat had left a pin
    well this gave flynn such fright he jumped
    out of his skin.

  18. Nomes
    There once were some nomes
    Who loved eating stones
    But when they ran out
    They just had to shout
    Caus then thay got to rome.

  19. There once was a guy called Bob
    who liked to do his job
    then he jumped
    and then bumped
    and the he stared to sob.

  20. There once a boy called Dave
    who liked to wave
    at people walking by
    and he never did't do it
    so he walked into a cave.

  21. There was a man who wanted to go to hell,
    because he kept forgeting to ring the doorbell.
    So he tried to kill himself
    but he got stopped by an elf,
    and he ended up in a well.

  22. There was a young lady from Leeds
    Who swallowed a package of seeds.
    Now this sorry young lass
    Is quite covered in grass,
    But has all the tomatoes she needs.

  23. There was a girl named Melanie
    who went for a swim out in the sea
    she wanted to bark
    but got grazed by a shark
    and she was so glad it was on her knee.

  24. There was a guy who was three
    who had a collection of white gold keys
    he went to the shop
    and then hopped
    and then got stung by bees.

  25. There once was a little cat
    That was very very fat
    One day he poped
    Than everone stoped
    And he was very flat.

  26. There once was a dog
    Who liked to plodd
    He liked to chase a cat
    That were verry fat
    And was a hog.

  27. marty
    There once was a boy called marty.
    who was such a smartie
    then he some friends
    and got some sound
    so they had a big party.

  28. There once was a dinosaur named Al
    Who had a friend named Cal.
    Cal died
    So then he got fried.
    Did you know that a plant was his best pal?

  29. There once was a girl called Jane
    Who went on an aeroplane
    She flew way up high
    Disappeared into the sky
    But didn't come down again

  30. There once was a cat called bob
    he wanted to have a job
    he went to his friend cob
    and said i would like a job.

  31. There once was a kid called Seth
    Who annoyed his brother to death
    He drove him up the wall
    Everytime they played with the ball
    But after school he became a chef.

  32. There once was a celled Abby
    who wanted her name to be Bby
    she went for a walk
    and she loved to talk
    and she ended up cabby.

  33. There once was a girl celled Pam
    who had a boy celled Sam
    he loved to sin
    and had a friend celled Lin
    and he wanted a lam.

  34. there once was a girl call Breanna
    who wanted to be spana
    so she drov a way so she font her sanper
    so she had to call the lanr
    so that why she wanted to be spana

  35. There was a young fellow named Flynn
    Who was really remarkably thin.
    When he carried a pole
    People said, “Bless my soul!
    What a shock to find out your a twin.”

  36. My tall thin teacher
    said I should be a preacher
    I asked her why
    But she did not reply
    So I thought my teacher was a weird creature.

  37. There once was a guy called Bill
    he always had the chill
    he went to the market
    he met a guy called Clarket
    and his wife was called Jill.

  38. there once was a girl name Abby
    she wanted her name to be bby
    she went for a walk
    and she loved to talk
    and she ended up crabby

  39. there was a man call john
    he was really good at ping pong
    but lost his dong
    and that was the end of ping pong

    there was a man name john
    who stank like deal and dong
    then he took a shower
    and lost all of his power
    and that was the end of king pong

  40. There was once a man named Dave
    Who knew how to save
    People from drowning
    and you're probably frowning
    about story how dave can pluck people out of a wave.


    There was once a man named Dave
    He did not have a shave
    He said I have to admit
    I will get more than 1 nit
    But I hope they don't want to crave
